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Halle Leung


Hi! My name is Halle and I am 14 years old. I started playing the violin when I was two and a half years old. I am really excited to share some tips and tricks on practicing and performing, and I hope that it would benefit and inspire many talented young musicians like me!

Recently, I had to audition for a music conservatory, which needed loads of preparation in order for it to be smooth and successful. I would say that when I have an exam, audition or performance coming up, I would probably practice 2.5 hours or more a day. However, if I am just practicing for leisure, I would probably spend around 1.5 - 2 hours a day. I always start off with practicing some scales and etudes to get my hands and mind warmed up for the upcoming pieces that I need to work on. I learnt that playing the violin is just like doing sport. I do equestrian as my sport, and I would never start jumping fences without thoroughly warming up myself and my horse because that would cause such a huge risk on both of us. After warming up with scales, I would look through my piece(s) and find areas which need tackling and improving. It would usually be about intonation, rhythm or coordination. Breaking the piece in parts to practice definitely benefits my overall performance. After practicing different parts in my piece(s), I would play through the entire piece a few times and if I find myself to be struggling at a certain part, I would go back to that spot and make myself practice that part many times. I understand that practicing one part many times may not be the most interesting thing to do, however, it certainly strengthens the quality of my final performance.

During the night before a performance or a violin exam, I would usually stay in a focused mindset, not letting anything distract me from what I want to achieve. In addition, I would eat a healthy balanced meal and go to bed early so that I have time to wear off my anxiety and get sufficient rest. On the day of the performance, I would wake up a bit early and have a filling breakfast, so I would not be hungry throughout the day. After that, I would have a dress rehearsal at home, before going to the actual venue. While waiting for my performance backstage, I would do some breathing exercises to make sure my mind is in the correct mindset to perform. Also, I would usually have a heat pack on hand or put on a cardigan to make sure my body is kept warm before the performance. I remind myself that once I am on stage, my role is to carry out a brilliant show to the audience. I always have the mindset of trying my best and not thinking about messing up on stage. When I am nervous on stage, I try to remember that I spent many hours on this piece and that I am extremely privileged to be sharing my pride with everyone.

I would like to say a massive thank you to Ms Hyejin. She has not only been my violin teacher for 12 years, but she has been a great part of my life. Ms Hyejin has always been very encouraging towards all my ideas and opinions. Even though sometimes her teaching gets a little bit intense because she really wants me to do well, I understand her frustration and I immediately try to fix the parts she wants me to. Throughout all my years in TN Violin Studio, I have learnt many important lessons not only about the violin but also about life. In particular, I will always remember that even though you may fail in life sometimes, you need to always stay strong and try again. Having difficulties in learning a new technique or a new piece will always happen in my music career, but I learnt that these small challenges are parts of life for me to learn from and to improve. Instead of complaining, I always think of the positive outcome after hard work. I have been part of the TN Violin Studio for 12 years, it is finally time for me to walk out of my comfort zone to face new adventures. I will be attending boarding school in Canada. It is extremely hard for me to say goodbye to all the teachers and fellow students because the studio has essentially become my second family.

I hope that my sharing may inspire you in some way to practice smart. Please understand that when you are faced with challenges, you should always find the positive aspects in it and try your best to overcome them.

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